Seasons of Change – Virtual Cuppa For CANSA

Seasons of Change – Virtual Cuppa For CANSA

Join us for the Virtual Cuppa For CANSA on Friday, 22 November 2024, as we celebrate the “Season’s of Change” with CANSA Board Chair, Vuyokazi (Vuyo) Funeka Memani-Sedile, and special guest speaker Laverne Turner-Manuel, who will present a Building Your Brand Masterclass!

  • Wear your favorite headwear or hat as we ‘change CANSA hats’ with Vuyo!
  • Exciting Prizes for the best headwear or hats!
  • Fun Online Trivia Game to test your knowledge – prizes for the trivia boffins!

Date: Friday, 22 November 2024
Time: 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
Tickets: R100 via Quicket –

Can’t join live? Don’t worry! You’ll still have access to the event afterwards.

If you are unable to attend, but would like to donate towards the event you can do so here via Givengain or scan the QR code below:

This promises to be an entertaining, informative, and thought-provoking session you won’t want to miss! Get your ticket now and join us for this unique experience!

CANSA High Tea Events for Cuppa For CANSA – 2024

CANSA High Tea Events for Cuppa For CANSA – 2024

As part of the Cuppa For CANSA campaign, some CANSA High Tea events are also taking place across South Africa with Maroela Media.

These events are a highlight on the CANSA calendar, bringing excitement, competition, prizes, and gifts.

High Teas are lined up for:

  • Gqeberha on 14 September, featuring entertainment by BOETA B;
  • in Pretoria on 23 October, with Rozanne McKenzie (Co-Host The Drive with Rob & Roz on JacarandaFM, voice artist, presenter, producer) as the MC, joined by entertainer, Monique Steyn
  • in Paarl, Boland area on 9 November

Cuppa For CANSA 2024

The annual Cuppa For CANSA season is open. This interactive campaign invites family, friends, colleagues, and social groups to come together, spend quality time with the simple pleasure of drinking a cup of tea or coffee, all while raising essential funds for CANSA. 

#CuppaForCANSA, #CANSACares, #CANSACareAndSupport, #FourSeasonsForCANSA #FiveRosesSA

This year, the theme for Cuppa For CANSA is ‘Four Seasons’ illustrating how cancer, like the seasons, is always present and doesn’t take a break. CANSA remains steadfast in its support through all the different stages and seasons one goes through when dealing with cancer, helping individuals, and loved ones cope no matter the season.  

As part of the Cuppa For CANSA campaign, some CANSA High Tea events are also taking place across South Africa with Maroela Media.

Cuppa events play a crucial role in raising funds which support CANSA’s invaluable services, including early cancer detection through education, breast, prostate, and skin screenings, as well as patient care and support. This support encompasses community home-based care, wig and medical equipment hire, breast prostheses and bras, Stoma care assistance and a variety of support groups and Tele Counselling 

Celebrate Four Seasons With A Cuppa 

Celebrate Four Seasons With A Cuppa 

Afrikaanse Media Vrystelling 

The Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA) is delighted to announce the annual Cuppa For CANSA season open. This interactive campaign invites family, friends, colleagues, and social groups to come together, spend quality time with the simple pleasure of drinking a cup of tea or coffee, all while raising essential funds for CANSA. 

#CuppaForCANSA, #CANSACares, #CANSACareAndSupport, #FourSeasonsForCANSA #FiveRosesSA

This year, the theme for Cuppa For CANSA is ‘Four Seasons’ illustrating how cancer, like the seasons, is always present and doesn’t take a break. CANSA remains steadfast in its support through all the different stages and seasons one goes through when dealing with cancer, helping individuals, and loved ones cope no matter the season.  

Anita Snyders, CANSA’s National Sustainability Manager, shares, “This is a wonderful opportunity for your friends, family, employees, colleagues, or clients to get involved. Everyone can come together and share the experience of enjoying a Cuppa and at the same time, doing it for a cause of fighting cancer and raising funds so that we can continue offering our health awareness and education plus care and support programmes.”  

Participants can register their own Cuppa event, incorporating the Four Seasons theme, and invite guests, or they can attend a Cuppa event hosted in their region. The campaign is made possible with the continued support of official tea partner, National Brands – Five Roses and includes the production of a limited series of ‘Four Seasons’ mugs available for purchase at R60 per mug or R220 per set. These mugs make perfect gifts for guests or a new favourite for enjoying a Cuppa.  

Cuppa events play a crucial role in raising funds which support CANSA’s invaluable services, including early cancer detection through education, breast, prostate, and skin screenings, as well as patient care and support. This support encompasses community home-based care, wig and medical equipment hire, breast prostheses and bras, Stoma care assistance and a variety of support groups and Tele Counselling 

As part of the Cuppa For CANSA campaign, some CANSA High Tea events are also taking place across South Africa with Maroela Media.

These events are a highlight on the CANSA calendar, bringing excitement, competition, prizes, and gifts.

High Teas are lined up for:

  • Gqeberha on 14 September, featuring entertainment by BOETA B;
  • in Pretoria on 23 October, with Rozanne McKenzie (Co-Host The Drive with Rob & Roz on JacarandaFM, voice artist, presenter, producer) as the MC, joined by entertainer, Monique Steyn
  • in Paarl, Boland area on 9 November  

Snyders concludes, “We look forward to welcoming our hosts and guest and hope they enjoy bringing compassion, friendship and warmth to these events, in a usually chilly season of the year, as much as CANSA enjoys sharing this time with them. Cuppa truly brings communities together in a special way and gives them the opportunity to help us lead South Africa towards a cancer-free future.”  

To host an individual Cuppa, register here or find details regarding our CANSA High Tea events.  

(For more information, please contact Lucy Balona, Head: Marketing and Communication at CANSA at email Call 011 616 7662 or mobile 082 459 5230)

Vier die Vier Seisoene met ’n ‘Cuppa’  

Vier die Vier Seisoene met ’n ‘Cuppa’  

English Media Release

16 Julie 2024 – Die Kankervereniging van Suid- Afrika (KANSA) is verheug om aan te kondig dat die jaarlikse Cuppa for CANSAseisoen nou oop is. Hierdie interaktiewe veldtog nooi familie, vriende, kollegas en sosiale groepe om byeen te kom en gehaltetyd saam deur te bring met ’n lekker koppie koffie of tee, terwyl noodsaaklike fondse vir KANSA ingesamel word.  

#CuppaForCANSA, #CANSACares, #CANSACareAndSupport, #FourSeasonsForCANSA #FiveRosesSA   

Vanjaar se tema is ‘Vier Seisoene’, wat demonstreer hoe kanker, nes die seisoene, altyd teenwoordig is en nooit ’n blaaskans neem nie. KANSA bly onwrikbaar in hul ondersteuning deur die verskillende fases en seisoene wat diegene met kanker ervaar, en help individue en geliefdes om dinge baas te raak, ongeag die seisoen.  

Anita Snyders, KANSA se Nasionale Bestuurder vir Volhoubaarheid, sê, “Dis ’n wonderlike geleentheid vir jou vriende, familie, werknemers, kollegas of kliënte om betrokke te raak. Almal kan byeen kom en ’n lekker ‘Cuppa’ geniet, en terselfdertyd help om kanker te beveg en fondse in te samel sodat ons kan voortgaan om gesondheidsbewusmaking te skep, asook opvoeding-, sorg- en ondersteuningsprogramme aan te bied.”   

Deelnemers kan kies om self ’n Cuppa-geleentheid met die Vier Seisoene-tema te registreer en gaste te nooi, of hulle kan ’n Cuppa-geleentheid in hulle area bywoon. Die veldtog word moontlik gemaak met die volgehoue ondersteuning van ons amptelike tee-vennoot National Brands – Five Roses en sluit die produksie van ’n beperkte reeks ‘Vier Seisoene’-bekers in wat te koop is (R60 vir een beker of R220 per stel). Hierdie bekers is die perfekte geskenke vir gaste of dit kan jou gunsteling beker word om ’n lekker ‘Cuppa’ te geniet. 

Cuppa-geleenthede speel ’n uiters belangrike rol om geld in te samel wat KANSA se onskatbare dienste ondersteun, insluitend vroeë opsporing van kanker deur opvoeding, bors-, prostaat- en vel-siftingstoetse, asook die sorg en ondersteuning van pasiënte. Die ondersteuning sluit in tuisgebaseerde sorg, die huur van pruike en mediese toerusting, borsprostese en bra’s, stoma-sorg en ’n verskeidenheid van ondersteuningsgroepe asook tele-berading  

As deel van die Cuppa for CANSA-veldtog, vind sommige KANSA-tee geleenthede High Teas ook regoor Suid-Afrika plaas in samewerking met Maroela Media.

Hierdie geleenthede is hoogtepunte op die KANSA-kalender, met opwinding, kompetisies, pryse en geskenke.

Tee-geleenthede word beplan vir:

  • Gqeberha op 14 September, met vermaak deur BOETA B;
  • in Pretoria op 23 Oktober, met Rozanne McKenzie (Mede-aanbieder op The Drive with Rob & Roz op Jacaranda FM, stemkunstenaar, aanbieder, vervaardiger) as die seremoniemeester, asook die vermaaklikheidskunstenaar Monique Steyn,
  • en in Paarl in die Boland op 9 November

Snyders sluit af, “Ons sien daarna uit om ons gashere en -vroue sowel as gaste te verwelkom en hoop dat hulle dit sal geniet om deernis, vriendskap en warmte na hierdie geleenthede te bring tydens ’n koue seisoen van die jaar, nes KANSA dit geniet om ook saam met hulle tyd te spandeer. Cuppa bring gemeenskappe op ’n baie spesiale manier saam en gee aan hulle die geleentheid om ons te help om Suid-Afrika na ’n kankervrye toekoms te lei.”  

Registreer om ’n Cuppa-geleentheid te hou of vind meer inligting rakended ‘n KANSA-teemaaltyd naby jou.

(Vir meer inligting, kontak asseblief vir Lucy Balona, Hoof: Bemarking en Kommunikasie by KANSA per e-pos Skakel 011 616 7662 of op haar selfoon 082 459 5230.)