CANSA High Tea Events for Cuppa For CANSA – 2024

CANSA High Tea Events for Cuppa For CANSA – 2024

As part of the Cuppa For CANSA campaign, some CANSA High Tea events are also taking place across South Africa with Maroela Media.

These events are a highlight on the CANSA calendar, bringing excitement, competition, prizes, and gifts.

High Teas are lined up for:

  • Gqeberha on 14 September, featuring entertainment by BOETA B;
  • in Pretoria on 23 October, with Rozanne McKenzie (Co-Host The Drive with Rob & Roz on JacarandaFM, voice artist, presenter, producer) as the MC, joined by entertainer, Monique Steyn
  • in Paarl, Boland area on 9 November

Cuppa For CANSA 2024

The annual Cuppa For CANSA season is open. This interactive campaign invites family, friends, colleagues, and social groups to come together, spend quality time with the simple pleasure of drinking a cup of tea or coffee, all while raising essential funds for CANSA. 

#CuppaForCANSA, #CANSACares, #CANSACareAndSupport, #FourSeasonsForCANSA #FiveRosesSA

This year, the theme for Cuppa For CANSA is ‘Four Seasons’ illustrating how cancer, like the seasons, is always present and doesn’t take a break. CANSA remains steadfast in its support through all the different stages and seasons one goes through when dealing with cancer, helping individuals, and loved ones cope no matter the season.  

As part of the Cuppa For CANSA campaign, some CANSA High Tea events are also taking place across South Africa with Maroela Media.

Cuppa events play a crucial role in raising funds which support CANSA’s invaluable services, including early cancer detection through education, breast, prostate, and skin screenings, as well as patient care and support. This support encompasses community home-based care, wig and medical equipment hire, breast prostheses and bras, Stoma care assistance and a variety of support groups and Tele Counselling 

Celebrate Four Seasons With A Cuppa 

Celebrate Four Seasons With A Cuppa 

Afrikaanse Media Vrystelling 

The Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA) is delighted to announce the annual Cuppa For CANSA season open. This interactive campaign invites family, friends, colleagues, and social groups to come together, spend quality time with the simple pleasure of drinking a cup of tea or coffee, all while raising essential funds for CANSA. 

#CuppaForCANSA, #CANSACares, #CANSACareAndSupport, #FourSeasonsForCANSA #FiveRosesSA

This year, the theme for Cuppa For CANSA is ‘Four Seasons’ illustrating how cancer, like the seasons, is always present and doesn’t take a break. CANSA remains steadfast in its support through all the different stages and seasons one goes through when dealing with cancer, helping individuals, and loved ones cope no matter the season.  

Anita Snyders, CANSA’s National Sustainability Manager, shares, “This is a wonderful opportunity for your friends, family, employees, colleagues, or clients to get involved. Everyone can come together and share the experience of enjoying a Cuppa and at the same time, doing it for a cause of fighting cancer and raising funds so that we can continue offering our health awareness and education plus care and support programmes.”  

Participants can register their own Cuppa event, incorporating the Four Seasons theme, and invite guests, or they can attend a Cuppa event hosted in their region. The campaign is made possible with the continued support of official tea partner, National Brands – Five Roses and includes the production of a limited series of ‘Four Seasons’ mugs available for purchase at R60 per mug or R220 per set. These mugs make perfect gifts for guests or a new favourite for enjoying a Cuppa.  

Cuppa events play a crucial role in raising funds which support CANSA’s invaluable services, including early cancer detection through education, breast, prostate, and skin screenings, as well as patient care and support. This support encompasses community home-based care, wig and medical equipment hire, breast prostheses and bras, Stoma care assistance and a variety of support groups and Tele Counselling 

As part of the Cuppa For CANSA campaign, some CANSA High Tea events are also taking place across South Africa with Maroela Media.

These events are a highlight on the CANSA calendar, bringing excitement, competition, prizes, and gifts.

High Teas are lined up for:

  • Gqeberha on 14 September, featuring entertainment by BOETA B;
  • in Pretoria on 23 October, with Rozanne McKenzie (Co-Host The Drive with Rob & Roz on JacarandaFM, voice artist, presenter, producer) as the MC, joined by entertainer, Monique Steyn
  • in Paarl, Boland area on 9 November  

Snyders concludes, “We look forward to welcoming our hosts and guest and hope they enjoy bringing compassion, friendship and warmth to these events, in a usually chilly season of the year, as much as CANSA enjoys sharing this time with them. Cuppa truly brings communities together in a special way and gives them the opportunity to help us lead South Africa towards a cancer-free future.”  

To host an individual Cuppa, register here or find details regarding our CANSA High Tea events.  

(For more information, please contact Lucy Balona, Head: Marketing and Communication at CANSA at email Call 011 616 7662 or mobile 082 459 5230)

Vier die Vier Seisoene met ’n ‘Cuppa’  

Vier die Vier Seisoene met ’n ‘Cuppa’  

English Media Release

16 Julie 2024 – Die Kankervereniging van Suid- Afrika (KANSA) is verheug om aan te kondig dat die jaarlikse Cuppa for CANSAseisoen nou oop is. Hierdie interaktiewe veldtog nooi familie, vriende, kollegas en sosiale groepe om byeen te kom en gehaltetyd saam deur te bring met ’n lekker koppie koffie of tee, terwyl noodsaaklike fondse vir KANSA ingesamel word.  

#CuppaForCANSA, #CANSACares, #CANSACareAndSupport, #FourSeasonsForCANSA #FiveRosesSA   

Vanjaar se tema is ‘Vier Seisoene’, wat demonstreer hoe kanker, nes die seisoene, altyd teenwoordig is en nooit ’n blaaskans neem nie. KANSA bly onwrikbaar in hul ondersteuning deur die verskillende fases en seisoene wat diegene met kanker ervaar, en help individue en geliefdes om dinge baas te raak, ongeag die seisoen.  

Anita Snyders, KANSA se Nasionale Bestuurder vir Volhoubaarheid, sê, “Dis ’n wonderlike geleentheid vir jou vriende, familie, werknemers, kollegas of kliënte om betrokke te raak. Almal kan byeen kom en ’n lekker ‘Cuppa’ geniet, en terselfdertyd help om kanker te beveg en fondse in te samel sodat ons kan voortgaan om gesondheidsbewusmaking te skep, asook opvoeding-, sorg- en ondersteuningsprogramme aan te bied.”   

Deelnemers kan kies om self ’n Cuppa-geleentheid met die Vier Seisoene-tema te registreer en gaste te nooi, of hulle kan ’n Cuppa-geleentheid in hulle area bywoon. Die veldtog word moontlik gemaak met die volgehoue ondersteuning van ons amptelike tee-vennoot National Brands – Five Roses en sluit die produksie van ’n beperkte reeks ‘Vier Seisoene’-bekers in wat te koop is (R60 vir een beker of R220 per stel). Hierdie bekers is die perfekte geskenke vir gaste of dit kan jou gunsteling beker word om ’n lekker ‘Cuppa’ te geniet. 

Cuppa-geleenthede speel ’n uiters belangrike rol om geld in te samel wat KANSA se onskatbare dienste ondersteun, insluitend vroeë opsporing van kanker deur opvoeding, bors-, prostaat- en vel-siftingstoetse, asook die sorg en ondersteuning van pasiënte. Die ondersteuning sluit in tuisgebaseerde sorg, die huur van pruike en mediese toerusting, borsprostese en bra’s, stoma-sorg en ’n verskeidenheid van ondersteuningsgroepe asook tele-berading  

As deel van die Cuppa for CANSA-veldtog, vind sommige KANSA-tee geleenthede High Teas ook regoor Suid-Afrika plaas in samewerking met Maroela Media.

Hierdie geleenthede is hoogtepunte op die KANSA-kalender, met opwinding, kompetisies, pryse en geskenke.

Tee-geleenthede word beplan vir:

  • Gqeberha op 14 September, met vermaak deur BOETA B;
  • in Pretoria op 23 Oktober, met Rozanne McKenzie (Mede-aanbieder op The Drive with Rob & Roz op Jacaranda FM, stemkunstenaar, aanbieder, vervaardiger) as die seremoniemeester, asook die vermaaklikheidskunstenaar Monique Steyn,
  • en in Paarl in die Boland op 9 November

Snyders sluit af, “Ons sien daarna uit om ons gashere en -vroue sowel as gaste te verwelkom en hoop dat hulle dit sal geniet om deernis, vriendskap en warmte na hierdie geleenthede te bring tydens ’n koue seisoen van die jaar, nes KANSA dit geniet om ook saam met hulle tyd te spandeer. Cuppa bring gemeenskappe op ’n baie spesiale manier saam en gee aan hulle die geleentheid om ons te help om Suid-Afrika na ’n kankervrye toekoms te lei.”  

Registreer om ’n Cuppa-geleentheid te hou of vind meer inligting rakended ‘n KANSA-teemaaltyd naby jou.

(Vir meer inligting, kontak asseblief vir Lucy Balona, Hoof: Bemarking en Kommunikasie by KANSA per e-pos Skakel 011 616 7662 of op haar selfoon 082 459 5230.)

CANSA | SPAR Tea 2022 – 12 November 2022

CANSA | SPAR Tea 2022 – 12 November 2022

The annual CANSA Tea remains one of the highlights on our calendar – and this year we are continuing the excitement, competition, prizes and gifts that are associated with the occasion. In collaboration with our amazing partner, SPAR, we once again give hostesses and hosts the opportunity to showcase their talents and raise much needed funds for CANSA, continuing our focused support for all affected by cancer. We are also excited to announce our new media partner, Maroela Media, supporting our campaign.

Date: 12 November 2022

Venue: Stellenbosch Town Hall

Programme: 11 00 – 14 00

Entertainment: Rumaques; Gelderbloem and Nadine Blom


Celebrating the Art of Being a Woman

Information regarding the setting of the table:

Hosts may set up their tables on Friday, 11 November 2022 from 08 00 to 15 00.

The venue provides the following:

  • 1 Round table (1.8 m)
  • 10 chairs
  • 1 Long table (5m)
  • 16 chairs
  • Urns with boiled water (own kettles and urns are not allowed)

The Hostess provides:

  • Own tablecloth
  • Own table decor
  • Own cutlery and crockery
  • Flowers and centrepieces
  • Teatime snacks (minimum of two sweet and two savoury treats)
  • Own tea, coffee and juice

Note: SPAR has been the main sponsor for the CANSA Tea for the past 14 years, and therefore we make a special request that no competitive brands (for example, Woolworths, Pick ‘n Pay or Checkers) be displayed on the day. If you feel the need to use some of these branded items, please remove the packaging and place in another plate. A sponsorship like SPAR is extremely important for the successfull continuation of the CANSA Tea, and we kindly ask you for your cooperation. Information on SPAR products… 

Table Donations

Donation is R250 per seat.  There are two different tables this year, 10 or 16 seats are available at each table.  The total donation per each table is R2 500 for 10 seats or R4 000 for16 seats, payable to your CANSA representative.

If you do not manage to sell all your tickets, please inform CANSA immediately so that guests can be seated at your table. Join hands with CANSA and make a difference in the life of a cancer Survivor.

Host / Hostess Information

If you need any additional information, please feel free to contact your CANSA representative:

Esmeralda Booysen email: 

CANSA | SPAR Tea 2022 – 26 October 2022

CANSA | SPAR Tea 2022 – 26 October 2022

The annual CANSA Tea remains one of the highlights on our calendar – and this year we are continuing the excitement, competition, prizes and gifts that are associated with the occasion. In collaboration with our amazing partner, SPAR, we once again give hostesses and hosts the opportunity to showcase their talents and raise much needed funds for CANSA, continuing our focused support for all affected by cancer. We are also excited to announce our new media partner, Maroela Media, supporting our campaign.

Date: 26 October 2022 – Pretoria,

Venue: Colosseum Reale, Roodeplaat

Programme: 09:00 to 13:15

Motivational Speaker: Yolanda Bukani (Cancer survivor)

Guest Artists: The Muses

Mistress of Ceremonies: Donna Lee Roberts

Special Guest: Willem Botha


New Seasons

SPAR will again this year be the driving force behind our CANSA social event. In light of last year’s amazing virtual event success, we are more than ever aware of your creative flair and skill. What makes this year extra special, is that we will meet in person at our new venue.

Table setting

Hostesses and hosts will set a table and provide teatime treats for their guests.

Hostesses and hosts will do their table setting on Tuesday, 25 October 2022 from 8:00  – 18:00.

Upon your arrival, please register at the registration table where you will receive your information package and gift bags for each of your guests which SPAR will provide.

  • All tables must be set by 17:00.
  • Judging is from 15:00 to 19:00.

Experts in the various specialities have been approached and selected to do the judging as per the main criteria. Based on this, various prizes will be awarded as per the category winners.

Information regarding the setting of the table:

The venue provides the following:

  • 1 Round table (1.8 m)
  • 10 chairs and covers (white)
  • White table cloth
  • 1 Long table (5m)
  • 16 chairs and covers
  • Urns with boiled water (own kettles and urns are not allowed)

The Hostess provides:

  • Own tablecloth
  • Own table decor
  • Own cutlery and crockery
  • Flowers and centrepieces
  • Teatime snacks (minimum of two sweet and two savoury treats)
  • Own tea, coffee and juice

Note: SPAR has been the main sponsor for the CANSA Tea for the past 14 years, and therefore we make a special request that no competitive brands (for example, Woolworths, Pick ‘n Pay or Checkers) be displayed on the day. If you feel the need to use some of these branded items, please remove the packaging and place in another plate. A sponsorship like SPAR is extremely important for the successfull continuation of the CANSA Tea, and we kindly ask you for your cooperation. Information on SPAR products… 

Table Donations

Donation is R250 per seat.  There are two different tables this year, 10 or 16 seats are available at each table.  The total donation per each table is R2 500 for 10 seats or R4 000 for16 seats, payable to your CANSA representative.

If you do not manage to sell all your tickets, please inform CANSA immediately so that guests can be seated at your table. Join hands with CANSA and make a difference in the life of a cancer Survivor.

Host / Hostess Information

If you need any additional information, please feel free to contact your CANSA representative:

Pretoria – 012 329 3036 | 083 633 5798

Anita Snyders – email:

Samesyn met Cuppa For CANSA

Engelse Persverklaring

KANSA hou jaarliks die gewilde Cuppa For CANSA (Cuppa)-veldtog regoor Suid-Afrika. Die doel is om gesellig te verkeer en tyd met familie, vriende of kollegas by ’n Cuppa-geleentheid te spandeer en terselfdertyd geld vir KANSA in te samel om sodoende hul sorg en ondersteuningsdienste voort te sit vir diegene wat deur kanker geaffekteer word. Deelnemers kan self so ’n Cuppa-geleentheid hou of dit as ’n gas bywoon.

#CuppaForCANSA, #CANSACares, #CANSACareAndSupport, #TimeToTakeHeartTogether, #FiveRosesSA

Die tema vir vanjaar se Cuppa is ‘Spandeer Saam Hartstyd’ of ‘Time To Take Heart Together’. KANSA se Nasionale Volhoubaarheidsbestuurder Anita Snyders verduidelik, “Na twee jaar van virtuele Cuppa-geleenthede is ons baie opgewonde om met geliefdes, vriende en kollegas bymekaar te kom. Dis nie net om tyd saam te spandeer nie, maar ook om ons harte te wys deur die geveg teen kanker te ondersteun.”

Die tema het ook ’n dieper betekenis wat die mag van samesyn verteenwoordig. “Kanker is nie ’n siekte wat mens alleen kan beveg nie, en kankerpasiënte (Oorwinnaars), geliefdes en versorgers benodig ons ondersteuning en aanmoediging,” voeg Snyders by.

“KANSA nooi jou uit om jou eie Cuppa-geleentheid te hou. Die eerste stap is om op die Cuppa for CANSA-webwerf as gasheer of -vrou te registreer of ’n e-pos aan te stuur – registrasie is oop vir individue en besighede. ’n KANSA personeelvennoot sal jou kontak om jou geleentheid se besonderhede soos die datum en plek te bespreek, asook of jy wil reël dat ’n kankeroorwinnaar of bekende gasspreker daar optree. Die personeellid sal jou ook met uitnodigings en die relevante bemarkingsmateriale help,” voeg Snyders by.

Gashere en -vroue kan geleenthede hou onder vanjaar se tema ‘Spandeer Saam Hartstyd’ of ‘Time to Take Heart Together’ en kan KANSA se aanlyn ondersteuningsgroepe en hulpbronne deel om diegene wat deur kanker geaffekteer word te bemoedig. KANSA is daartoe verbind om diegene wat kanker in die gesig staar van inligting te voorsien, asook daaglikse hulp en die emosionele ondersteuning wat hulle in die gemeenskappe waar hulle woon benodig. KANSA se doel is om te verseker dat kankeroorwinnaars en hul geliefdes nie kanker alleen in die gesig staar nie; dit is hier om hulle deur elke stap van die siekte te ondersteun.

Gashere en -vroue kan ook hulle eie temas kies, of Cuppa gebruik om ’n spesiale dag te vier deur byvoorbeeld ’n ‘Verjaardag-Cuppa’ of ‘Vrouedag Cuppa’ te hou. Die gashere en -vroue kan self besluit hoe hulle dekor, drankies en peuselhappies by die tema aansluit.

KANSA wil vir Five Roses as die amptelike teeborg vir Cuppa for CANSA bedank – hulle borg weereens tee vir elke geleentheid, skep bewusmaking deur middel van hul sosiale media platforms en borg pryse vir vanjaar se Gasvrou-kompetisie.

Beperkte uitgawe Cuppa for CANSA handelsware is te koop beskikbaar en maak die ideale geskenk vir Cuppa-gaste. Die 2022-Cuppa bekers is in vier pragtige kleure, verbind aan die tema, en kos R60 elk. Die pragtige hoofbedekkings kos R55 elk.

Cuppa gashere en -vroue kwalifiseer om vir die nasionale Cuppa for CANSA kompetisie in te skryf en staan die kans om fantastiese pryse te wen insluitend Body Kind sportbra’s geborg deur bounti, asook airfryers  Die gasheer of -vrou wat die meeste fondse insamel wen ook ’n spesiale airfryer.

Snyders sluit af, “Dis geen wonder dat Cuppa For CANSA een van die hoogtepunte op die KANSA-kalender is nie. Die geleentheid bring mense op ’n prettige manier saam en gee aan hulle die geleentheid om ander te inspireer en ’n verskil te maak in die lewens van diegene wat deur kanker geaffekteer word deur ons sorg- en ondersteuningsdienste. Ons hoop dat jy vanjaar jou plaaslike Cuppa-geleenthede sal bywoon.” 

(Vir meer inligting, kontak asseblief vir Lucy Balona, Hoof Bemarking, Call 011 616 7662 or mobile 082 459 5230).

Together Again with Cuppa For CANSA

Together Again with Cuppa For CANSA

Afrikaans  Media Release

27 July 2022 – Every year, CANSA runs the ever popular Cuppa For CANSA (Cuppa) campaign, across South Africa. The aim is to socialise and have fun with family, friends or colleagues at a Cuppa event while raising funds for CANSA to continue delivering its care and support programmes to those affected by cancer. Participants may either host a Cuppa event or attend as a guest.

#CuppaForCANSA #CANSACares #CANSACareAndSupport #TimeToTakeHeartTogether #FiveRosesSA

The theme for this year’s Cuppa is ‘Time To Take Heart Together’. CANSA’s National Sustainability Manager, Anita Snyders, explains, “After two years of hosting virtual Cuppa events, we’re so excited to come together with loved ones, friends, and colleagues, not only to spend time with one another, but also to show our hearts by supporting the fight against cancer.”

The theme also has a deeper meaning representing the importance of the power of togetherness. “Cancer is not a disease to be fought alone, and cancer patients (Survivors), loved ones and caregivers need our support and encouragement,” Snyders added.

“CANSA invites you to host your own Cuppa event. The first step is to register as a host, on the Cuppa For CANSA website or email – registration is open to individuals as well as Corporates. A regional CANSA staff partner will contact you to discuss details about your event such as the date and venue, if you would like to arrange a cancer survivor or celebrity guest speaker, as well as help you with invitations and relevant marketing materials,” Snyders continues.

Hostesses can host events under this year’s theme ‘Time to Take Heart Together’ and share CANSA’s online support groups and resources to encourage those affected by cancer. CANSA is committed to connecting people facing cancer with information, day-to-day help as well as emotional support they need in the communities where they live. CANSA’s aim is to ensure that cancer Survivors and their loved ones do not have to face cancer alone; it’s here to support them through every step of their cancer journey.

Alternately, hostesses can choose their own theme, or even use Cuppa to mark a special day by hosting a ‘Birthday Cuppa’ or ‘Women’s Day Cuppa’. It is up to the hosts, to tie in aspects such as décor, beverages, and snacks with the theme.

CANSA is thankful to Five Roses, who is the official Cuppa For CANSA tea partner and have come on board once again by sponsoring tea for each event, raising awareness through their social media platforms and sponsoring gifts for this year’s Hostess challenge.

Limited edition, Cuppa For CANSA, merchandise is available to purchase and make the ideal gift for Cuppa guests. The 2022 Cuppa mugs come in four gorgeous colours, linked to the theme, and are R60 each while the beautiful Headwear is R55 each.

Cuppa hosts are eligible to enter the national Cuppa For CANSA competition to stand the chance of winning prizes that include sponsored Body Kind sports bras by bounti and air fryers.

Snyders concludes, “It’s easy to see why Cuppa For CANSA is one of the highlights on the CANSA calendar as this event brings people together in a fun way, giving them the opportunity to inspire and make a difference to those affected by cancer by enabling our care and support programmes. We hope you will support your local Cuppa event(s) this year.”

About Five Roses

For over 110 years, Five Roses has artfully blended smooth, fragrant and beautifully balanced teas from around the world. The superior Ceylon blend, their signature tea, is created using the finest tea leaves from Sri Lanka and Africa, which bring the distinctive aroma and refreshingly smooth taste of Five Roses Ceylon tea. Every box of Five Roses is approved by their Tea Master, Dinesh Wijeyawardana who is the sixth Five Roses’ Tea Master since their inception. Dinesh has over 30 years’ experience in blending tea and is entrusted with the unique Five Roses recipe, and the responsibility of ensuring there is unsurpassed flavour, strength and aroma in every cup.

(For more information, please contact Lucy Balona, Head: Marketing and Communication at CANSA at email Call 011 616 7662 or mobile 082 459 5230.)