Vriende met Tee en Samesyn – Cuppa For CANSA

Engelse mediavrystelling

24 Julie 2023 – Die Kankervereniging van Suid-Afrika (KANSA) se jaarlikse Cuppa For CANSA (Cuppa)-veldtog beoog om familie, vriende, kollegas en sosiale groepe byeen te bring om gehaltetyd saam deur te bring en pret te hê, terwyl hulle KANSA se belangrike missie – om kanker te beveg – ondersteun. Cuppa-geleenthede samel geld in vir KANSA om vroeë en opsporing deur opvoeding te bevorder; vir bors-, prostaat- en velsiftingstoetse; die versorging van pasiënte, ondersteuning wat tuisgebaseerde sorg insluit, asook die huur van pruike en mediese toerusting en stoma-hulp. Deelnemers kan self ’n Cuppa-geleentheid hou of dit as ’n gas bywoon.

#CuppaForCANSA #CANSACares #CANSACareAndSupport #WithFriendsLikeTeas #FiveRosesSA

Anita Snyders, KANSA se nasionale bestuurder vir Volhoubaarheid, verduidelik, “Cuppa is een van KANSA se gewildste veldtogte, danksy die wonderlike ondersteuning wat ons vanaf die publiek, vennote en borge kry, en ons is opgewonde om gashere en -vroue uit te nooi om te registreer om ’n geleentheid te hou.”

Vanjaar se Cuppa-tema is ‘With Friends Like Teas’ wat dui op die pret, warmte, omgee en deernis wat ervaar word wanneer mens tyd saam met vriende deurbring. “Een van my gunsteling gesegdes is ‘Vriendskap gaan nie oor hoeveel tyd jy saam met iemand deurbring nie. Dit gaan oor met wie jy die lekkerste tye het.’ Ek dink die Cuppa-geleenthede som dit perfek op,” voeg Snyders by.

Die tema eggo ook die sorg en deernis van die waardevolle werk wat KANSA regoor Suid-Afrika doen. Kankerpasiënte (oorwinnaars), geliefdes en versorgers benodig ’n vriend(in) wanneer hulle met kanker gediagnoseer word of daardeur geraak word. KANSA is al vir meer as 90 jaar lank toegewyd om diegene wat kanker in die gesig staar te help met inligting en hulpbronne, daaglikse bystand en emosionele ondersteuning.

KANSA nooi gashere en-vroue uit om ’n Cuppa-geleentheid te hou. Die eerste stap is om op die Cuppa For CANSA-webtuiste te registreer of deur ’n e-pos te stuur aan adewitt@cansa.org.za. Beide individue en korporatiewe maatskappye kan as deelnemers registreer. ’n KANSA streekspersoneellid word as vennoot aangestel om met ondersteuning van die geleentheid te help.

Gashere en -vroue kan ook vir die jaarlikse Cuppa for CANSA-kompetisie inskryf vir ’n kans om fantastiese pryse te wen. Die kompetisie is oop vir registrasie vanaf Julie 2023 en Cuppa-geleenthede kan van Augustus tot Oktober 2023 gehou word. Beperkte uitgawe Cuppa for CANSA-handelsware kan gekoop word en dien as oulike geskenke vir Cuppa-gaste. Pryse sluit in geborgde Body Kind sportsbra’s deur Lisa Raleigh, lugbraaiers en die groot prys van ’n spesiale Lisa Raleigh-bounti Bungee Studio trampolien (rebounder) vir die gasheer of -vrou wat die meeste geld insamel.

KANSA is dankbaar teenoor Five Roses, die amptelike Cuppa for CANSA-vennoot wat die produksie van die beperkte uitgawe Cuppa-bekers skenk, asook tee vir elke geleentheid.

Snyders sluit af, “Ons sien daarna uit om ons gashere en -vroue en hulle gaste te verwelkom en hoop dat hulle die geleentheid net soveel soos ons sal geniet. Cuppa bring vriende op ’n spesiale manier byeen en gee aan hulle die kans om ons met die geveg teen kanker te help, deur seker te maak dat ons met sorg- en ondersteuningsprogramme en gesondheidsveldtogte kan voortgaan om tot kankerbewusmaking en die verlaging van kankerrisiko by te dra.”

Gashere en -vroue kan geleenthede onder vanjaar se tema ‘With Friends Like Teas’ hou of hulle eie tema kies. Cuppa-geleenthede kan ook gehou word om spesiale dae te vier, soos verjaarsdae of herdenkings ten bate van KANSA. Gashere en-vroue kan self besluit of hulle dekor, drankies en eetgoed by die tema wil aansluit.

A Cuppa For CANSA – ‘With Friends Like Teas’

A Cuppa For CANSA – ‘With Friends Like Teas’

Afrikaans media release

19 July 2023 – The Cancer Association of South Africa’s (CANSA) annual Cuppa For CANSA (Cuppa) campaign aims to bring family, friends, colleagues and social groups together for an opportunity to spend quality time, and have fun, with one another. Cuppa events further raise funds for CANSA to offer early detection through cancer education; breast, prostate, and skin screenings; patient care and support that includes community home-based care, wig and medical equipment hire as well as Stoma care assistance. Participants can choose to either host a Cuppa or attend as a guest.

#CuppaForCANSA, #CANSACares, #CANSACareAndSupport, #WithFriendsLikeTeas #FiveRosesSA

Anita Snyders, CANSA’s National Sustainability Manager, explains, “Cuppa is one of CANSA’s most popular campaigns, thanks to the wonderful support that we receive from the public, event partners and sponsors, and we’re thrilled to invite hosts to register and host and event.”

This year’s Cuppa theme is ‘With Friends – Like Teas’ expressing the fun, warm, caring and compassion time spent with friends brings out. “One of my favourite sayings is ‘Friendship is not about who you spend the most time with. It’s about who you have the best time with’ and I think Cuppa events embodies this beautifully,” Snyders adds.

The theme also echoes the care and compassion of the invaluable work CANSA carries out, across South Africa. Cancer patients (Survivors), loved ones and caregivers need a friend when diagnosed or are impacted by cancer. CANSA has remained committed to connecting people facing cancer with information and resources, day-to-day help as well as emotional support for over 90 years.

CANSA invites hosts to host a Cuppa event. The first step is to register on the Cuppa For CANSA website or by emailing adewitt@cansa.org.za. Both individuals and Corporates can register as hosts. A regional CANSA staff partner is assigned as a staff partner to provide support with the event.

Hosts are eligible to enter the national Cuppa For CANSA competition to win fantastic prizes. This competition is open to register from July 2023 to host a Cuppa from August to end October and nominations close at midnight on 31 October 2023.  Limited edition, Cuppa For CANSA merchandise is available to purchase and make lovely gifts for Cuppa guests. Other prizes include sponsored Body Kind sports bras by Lisa Raleigh or air fryers and a final main prize of a Lisa Raleigh – bounti Bungee Studio Pro rebounder valued at R4 000 for the host raising the most funds.

CANSA is thankful to Five Roses, who is the official Cuppa For CANSA tea partner, who sponsor the limited edition production of Cuppa mugs and sponsoring tea for each event.

Snyders concludes, “We look forward to welcoming our hosts, and their guests and hope that they enjoy this event as much as we do. Cuppa truly brings friends together in a special way and gives them the opportunity to help us in the fight against cancer by ensuring that we can continue our care and support programmes and health campaigns to assist with cancer awareness and lowering cancer risk.”

Hosts can host events under this year’s theme ‘With Friends – Like Teas’ or choose their own theme. Cuppa’s can also be arranged to mark a special day, or occasion, such as a birthday or anniversary in aid of CANSA. It is up to the hosts, to tie in aspects such as décor, beverages, and snacks with the theme.

2023 Cuppa For CANSA Competition – With Friends Like Teas

Here’s how it works: Terms and Conditions

  • Host a Cuppa event any time in August, September, until 31 October 2023
  • Register here and find resources to plan your event…
  • Monthly Prize Draws: Hosts raising a minimum of R5 000 or more are eligible to go into a monthly draw to win a Body Kind sports bra by Lisa Raleigh valued at R1 000 each or an air fryer*.  (Note: Two winning draw entries will take place in August, September and October resulting in six total winners over the competition period. Each winner will receive one prize and prizes will be randomly allocated.  Prizes will be distributed once the event has been held and income is banked.)
  • Announcements Prize Winners Draw:  for August (15 September) | for September (17 October) | for October (15 November).
  • Most Funds Raised by End October Prize: the hostess that raises the most funds, banked before the end of October, gets a chance to win a special Lisa Raleigh bounti Bungee Studio Pro rebounder valued at R4 000

Five Roses will sponsor tea for your Cuppa event(s) – contact your CANSA staff partner and allow 10 days to organise stock.

Photos and / or videos must be shared online on any social media platform and tag CANSA at least once for each Cuppa event you host:
Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Instagram  |  LinkedIn  |  Pinterest  |  TikTok

Once you have registered and have been contacted by your staff partner, your guest list details must be submitted (post event) to your staff partner per event.

We look forward to seeing your entries of your Cuppa event!

*Similar products will be sourced as prizes…

** Disclaimer: Consult your Healthcare Professional before starting any fitness activity or using any equipment to determine if it is right for your needs.

bounti is the leading rebounding brand in South Africa, custodians of the most comprehensive range of rebounders and rebounding workouts.

CANSA partnered with bounti to promote the importance of regular physical activity as part lowering the risk of cancer. bounti’s programmes and classes using rebounding equipment, are presented by exercise instructors who are accredited by a recognised body ensuring up-to-date skills and knowledge in the field of fitness.

Lisa Raleigh Bio

With more than 20 years in the health and wellness space, highly acclaimed expert, Lisa Raleigh, has consistently grown her Lr, Body Kind and bounti brands to become one of the country’s most dynamic wellness offerings. Leading with her rebounding brand, bounti, Lisa has trained hundreds of rebounding instructors, established a library of workouts and programmes, subscription offerings, a unique athleisure range, Body Kind, and developed a complete nutrition offering for her growing, global business. From encouraging aging with strength and holistic health, to presenting clients with progressive, life-changing programmes, Lisa Raleigh lives her well-known saying, “Nothing feels as good as feeling good feels.”

Lisa adds: “Rebounding is a truly beneficial exercise modality, endorsed by the Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA), and now bounti has the CANSA seal of approval on our world-class portfolio of workouts, programmes, instructors’ courses, rebounders and equipment! Choose movement that heals, not harms. With bounti – and now CANSA – movement is medicine. Make sure you get your daily dose!”

Now in strategic collaboration with husband, Stafford Masie, the business has embraced an active growth strategy, with the opening of their first retail store in Nicolway, Johannesburg, a luxe retail experience that is a direct extension of their popular e-store. The business is also the proud curator of the biggest rebounding studio in Africa, situated in Bryanston, Johannesburg. Partnerships and endorsements from Discovery Health, CANSA, Metropolitan Multiple and other leading health authorities has further entrenched their position as a scientifically proven, medically aligned business focussed on true, sustainable change.

2012 – niQi’s Cuppa Inspires

2012 – niQi’s Cuppa Inspires

niQis-Le-Creuset-Cuppa-350x26211 October 2012 – There is such a wonderful life-affirming energy that comes about when one’s passions marry with a cause that is close to the heart. Last weekend, niQi Living Luxe co-ordinated a high tea as part of the Host A Cuppa campaign; a nationwide drive by Le Creuset and CANSA to raise awareness and funding for cancer support.

Each of the guests contributed a donation to benefit CANSA and their work, and the phenomenal generosity of these ladies helped raise  R10 000!

niQi put together a tableau that represented her theme for the afternoon; Surrounded By Inspiration. Instead of a traditional centrepiece, niQi envisioned something more conversational. Working with Pollen Living Art, she conceptualised a floral arrangement that symbolised a bridge; the concept being that one could cross a bridge to overcome whatever challenges might be placed in ones path. Inspirational messages and quotes hung from the flowers, offering food for thought and encouraging guests to consider their own inspirations and aspirations.

The afternoon’s palette was based on pink (an homage to the CANSA and Le Creuset campaign colours) with accents of beautiful coffee tones and soft greens to complement the flowers and tales runners. The guests were asked to dress in light summery colours where they could.

The tea-time menu featured traditional High Tea fare, with a cheese board and a very special  french posh-nosh; calissons, as special highlights.

Tea, however, was still the main attraction and for favours, each guest took home a box with gourmet tea packs and a teapot-shaped sugar cookie sporting a pink ribbon to remind them of the cause they supported. Read more…

About Cuppa

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Queries Cuppa

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Sue Goslett – Cuppa Competition Winner 2012

Sue Goslett – Cuppa Competition Winner 2012

The winning Cuppa 2012 team
The winning Cuppa 2012 team

Our Cuppa For CANSA was borne out of an idea that my youngest daughter had regarding her birthday celebration. Instead of a party for her, we should host a party for all those that have been affected by cancer and especially in fond memory of my parents who both died of cancer, the grandparents she never knew and her Aunt, a survivor of cancer, who lives in Australia.

As a family, we have been blessed with being creative, each in our own way. So, we set about to make, bake and create a “rainbow tea”. We chose the theme based on the ribbons worn  to embrace all types of cancers. We only pinned the colour lavender on our guests, as this would represent any cancer that had touched all our family and friends. We moved inside outside to have the tea in the garden.

View Gallery below…

Our long kitchen table was a focal point in the middle of the lawn, adorned with flowers in a multitude of colours from the garden. The TV lounge couches were used as extra seating in the shade. We baked and iced in rainbow colours and the cakes were interspersed with glass bowls of brightly coloured sweets for fun. Not just the young folk enjoyed these!

Family and friends ranging in ages from 10 to 82 came and we all had a cuppa or two, chatting, catching up and  just relaxing in the garden on a cool, wonderful Cape Town afternoon. Memories were made by taking photos with a backdrop of our handmade  rainbow.  Generous donations were put in our old family coffee pot. Many people acknowledged the need to stop and remember our loved ones or those being affected by cancer and support organizations like CANSA for the great work they do.

About Cuppa

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Queries Cuppa

See contact details here…

Delicious Rooibos Recipes for Your Cuppa

Tutti Frutti Smoothie

Rooibos smoothie
Rooibos smoothie
  • 1/2 cup Strawberries, chopped
  • 2 tablespoons of Granadilla pulp, optional
  • 1 tablespoon Oatbran or Oats
  • 1 tablespoon Canola oil
  • 1/4 cup Yoghurt, plain or vanilla-flavoured
  • 1/4 cup Milk, low fat/fat free or soya milk
  • If you wish to dilute further, use rooibos tea (cooled down)

Add all the ingredients together. Liquidise or blend till smooth. Add a pinch of cinnamon and mint or bit of extra zest. Add crushed ice (optional). (Serves 1-2)

Vanilla Berry Smoothie

  • 1/2 cup of frozen mixed berries
  • 1/2 cup free range Rooibos yoghurt
  • 1 tablespoon Oatbran or Oats
  • 1 tablespoon Canola oil
  • 1/2 cup Milk, low fat/fat free or soya milk

Add all the ingredients together. Liquidise or blend till smooth. Add crushed ice (optional). (Serves 1-2).

Peanut Butter and Banana Smoothie

  • 2 teaspoons peanut butter (no added sugar or salt)
  • 1 medium ripe banana, frozen and peeled
  • 1 tablespoon Oatbran or Oats
  • 1/2 cup milk, low fat/fat free or soya milk
  • 1/2 cup free range Rooibos and Honey yoghurt

Add all the ingredients together. Liquidise or blend till smooth. Add crushed ice (optional). (Serves 1-2)

Serving suggestion: use smaller (think flutes or wine) glasses if part of a meal and your smoothie recipe will stretch twice as far.

Source: Megan Pentz-Kluytz, CANSA’s Consulting Dietician